Dr. Carrie Chrisco

HRTNR Room 130


Office Phone: 475-5366


Dr. Chrisco earned her master's and Ph.D. from The University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. She worked in commercial television in creative services, journalism, and on air talent at WMBB TV in Panama City, Florida.


Also a Master Mariner, she is licensed to captain 100 ton vessels. During her sailing career she contributed articles to various national magazines.


With Cultural Anthropology as a secondary for her master's and Ph.D. she has visited 37 countries and contributed to her international interests with the publication of The Persian Gulf War: Editorials in the Combat Zone, American Press, 1995 and a full length documentary Garifuna: The Living Dance.

Dr. Chrisco is a member of several professional organizations and has presented several papers at conferences.

Participating in 'The Oxford Roundtable' in 2008, she presented a paper on the Internet and Democracy.

She has many academic interests with international communication and law in a convergent media environment heading the list.


Teaching most of the classes in the department, Dr. Chrisco  has settled into Media Law and Intercultural and Diversity.

She is also involved in a Senior seminar and internship program which help prepare students for media positions throughout the country.


Her interests include documentary photography, travel, sailing, scuba diving, and developing a travel blog 'carrieyouthere' blog where she shares cultural experiences through images, video and journaling.